3 research outputs found

    Hubungan Modal Sosial Dengan Produktivitas Petani Sayur (Studi Kasus Pada Kelompok Tani Barokah Kelurahan Tanah Enam Ratus Kecamatan Medan Marelan)

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    Modal social (social capital) yang terdapat pada masyarakat tumbuh dan berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan manusia. Modal social yang terbangun pada interaksi petani dalam wadah kelompok tani merupakan modal yang terus mengalami perubahan.Dengan demikian kedinamisan petani sayur dalam melaksanakan kegiatan usaha tani tidak terlepas dari modal social yang terbangun pada kehidupan petani sayuran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana modal social yang terdapat pada petani sayur yang dapat di tinjau dari aspek; partisipasi aktif petani, kepercayaan petani, norma social dan tanggung jawab. Sampel penelitian adalah petani sayur dalam Kelompok Tani Barokah Kelurahan Tanah Enam Ratus. Penelitian menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari wawancara langsung dengan responden dan data sekunder. Metode analisis data adalah tabulasi dan analisis deskriptif dengan membuat tabulasi frekuensi dari unsur modal social yang diteliti. Hasil hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh aspek yang di analisis pada modal social yang terdiri dari partisipasi aktif, kepercayaan, norma social dan tanggung dominan adalah tinggi. Dengan demikian modal social yang terdapat pada kelompok tani Barokah yang merupakan sampel penelitian merupakan modal social yang membangun untuk pengembangan pertanian di lokasipenelitian


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    AbstractThe research was conducted using case study methods (case study). This study aims to determine how to influence the level of capital, labor, experience, education and age of farmers' income levels and how the feasibility of areca nut farm. Research hypotheses are tested using multiple linear regression and the method of R / C ratio (Revenue / Cost). From the research results obtained by the R-square 0.98 identifies that it is simultaneously (synchronously) no significant effect between capital, labor, experience, education and age of the areca farmers' income by 98% the rest influenced by other variables not examined. From the test results are obtained stasistik multiple R-square value of 0.99% means that overall there is a strong influence between capital, labor, experience, education and age of areca farmers' income levels, it is supported by the calculated F-value F-table at the 95% confidence level (a 0.05) thereby H0 refused and H1 accepted. No effect of partial capital, experience and age on the level of areca farmers' income in this case is supported by the value t count t-table, while the labor and education had no effect on the income level of farmers nut on a 95% confidence level. The results of the calculation, the nut farm viability obtained was R / C ratio of 1.82. This means that the nut farm is now worth the effort or can provide benefits.Keywords: sosial-economy, farmers' income, farme

    ANALYSIS OF MARKETING CHANNELS RAMBUTAN CROP SEEDS (Case Study: Kelurahan Kebun Lada, Kec. Binjai Utara, Kotamadya Binjai)

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    The purpose of this study were (1) To determine the pattern of channels and marketing costs of plant seeds rambutan in the area of research, (2) To determine the marketing functions performed by each institution in the area of research, and (3) To determine the efficiency of marketing rambutan plant seeds in the study area. Sampling method using census method that is the entire population of the research sample. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis based on surveys and observations made in the study area. From the research that has been done, there are two marketing channels seedlings of fruit crops in the area of research. Profit margin marketing channel pattern 1 is Rp. 4,680 / polybag and profit margin marketing channel pattern 2 is Rp. 6,393,5 / polybag. Marketing functions are performed on the first line is the manufacturer to the sales function. While retailers carry out the functions of purchase, sale, transportation, storage, financing and market information collection. And on the second line pattern manufacturers perform the functions of sales, storage, financing and underwriting risk. Both have efficient marketing channel that is where one marketing channel has a value of 39.1% and the efficiency of marketing channels 2 having an efficiency value of 36.1